Why are there no factories passed from generation to generation in our country? In Europe, while the life of the company is 150-200 years in the USA, why we are a producer nation for a few years or 10 years in Europe, our ability to develop production is extremely high. and be sure that there is no one who is as skilled as we are in the world, from agriculture to industry, from production to raw material solutions. What is missing is that we do not know how to make calculations, we focus on production and solution so much that we are trying to trade with a simple algorithm such as raw material + profit, there are absolutely wrong such fine cost calculations, because we missed them, our companies do not see them after a while because they accumulate at a point that they do not see. They suddenly go bankrupt as if under an avalanche, their own assets can cause the bankruptcy of the companies in the product and service supply chain as their employees are damaged, and then...