Alternative Medicine •••

 alternative medicine, alternative medicine, herbal therapy, natural therapy, home remedies, firtotherapy,

All About the Healing Power of Plants

Man has used herbs as a treatment method for diseases since ancient times.  Herbal treatment is widely used in our country as in other countries.  "The body knows how to heal and repair itself, as long as you give it the nutrients it needs."  Saying Phytotherapy Specialist Dr.  We asked Ümit Aktaş about the people who were curious about the treatment with herbs and what was wrong.

alternative medicine, herbal therapy, natural therapy, home remedies, firtotherapy,

Dr.  Ümit Aktaş emphasized the importance of proper nutrition and said, "You can benefit from phytotherapy to support your health and prevent diseases."  says.  Dr.  We asked Ümit Aktaş about healthy living and nutrition, and talked about the preventive and healing power of plants on diseases.

 How did you meet phytotherapy?

 In the years when I received my diploma and started to practice my profession, I was trying to treat my patients as they were taught at the faculty.  But I can say that I feel completely defeated, especially when it comes to chronic diseases.  Do you know what disease I observed this contradiction the most?  Type 2 diabetes.  I had just graduated from school.  I knew very well what my teachers told, the protocol to be applied in type 2 diabetes and all the medications that should be given.  I do everything I have been taught at school, and the patient does what I tell him.  He comes every few months, I write his medicine.  Over time, I switch to higher doses to regulate blood sugar.  Imagine you are following the patient for years.  He takes his medicines, applies my nutritional suggestions, but the disease progresses, the damage he causes in the body continues to increase.  Non-healing wounds are formed on the feet of the patient, boils appear in his body because the immune system is weakened, eye problems begin, kidney failure and vascular diseases develop.  One inevitably begins to question: “I did everything I was taught.  Where is the error?  What's wrong?  Why are diseases not cured? "  These questions started to seriously troubleshoot my head.  And at this point I asked the real question: "How can I cure diseases?"  My journey started with this fundamental question.  And this journey took me to the importance of proper nutrition, how to be fed in diseases and the science of phytotherapy.  

 Dr.  Ümit Aktaş emphasized the importance of proper nutrition and said, "You can benefit from phytotherapy to support your health and prevent diseases."  says.  Dr.  We asked Ümit Aktaş about healthy living and nutrition, and talked about the preventive and healing power of plants on diseases.   How did you meet phytotherapy?  In the years when I received my diploma and started to practice my profession, I was trying to treat my patients as they were taught at the faculty.  But I can say that I feel completely defeated, especially when it comes to chronic diseases.  Do you know what disease I observed this contradiction the most?  Type 2 diabetes.  I had just graduated from school.  I knew very well what my teachers told, the protocol to be applied in type 2 diabetes and all the medications that should be given.  I do everything I have been taught at school, and the patient does what I tell him.  He comes every few months, I write his medicine.  Over time, I switch to higher doses to regulate blood sugar.  Imagine you are following the patient for years.  He takes his medicines, applies my nutritional suggestions, but the disease progresses, the damage he causes in the body continues to increase.  Non-healing wounds are formed on the feet of the patient, boils appear in his body because the immune system is weakened, eye problems begin, kidney failure and vascular diseases develop.  One inevitably begins to question: “I did everything I was taught.  Where is the error?  What's wrong?  Why are diseases not cured? "  These questions started to seriously troubleshoot my head.  And at this point I asked the real question: "How can I cure diseases?"  My journey started with this fundamental question.  And this journey took me to the importance of proper nutrition, how to be fed in diseases and the science of phytotherapy.


 What are the differences between phytotherapy and traditional medicine?  Complementary medicine practices are supported in many Western countries, and there are specialized doctors in hospitals.  Germany is particularly advanced in phytotherapy.  All over the world, herbs and herbal supplements are used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases from cancer to diabetes.  In chronic pain, treatments such as phytotherapy and acupuncture are used.  While 66% of doctors in Germany prescribe herbal products for the treatment of their patients, the rate of herbal treatment in Japan reaches 70%.  Every year millions of people in the United States turn to physicians specializing in complementary medicine to find healing or support their treatment, with almost half of the population supporting their health with herbal extracts.  If the aim is to heal the patient, all treatments and approaches with proven effectiveness should be supported and recognized, and it should be the patient's most natural right to benefit from these treatments.  Even today, nearly half of the thousands of commonly prescribed medicines are either of vegetable origin or chemical imitations of plant-derived ingredients.  Preventive medicine is on the rise all over the world.  Unfortunately, in order to be in the field of conventional medicine, you first have to get sick.  However, the main thing should be to prevent the disease before it occurs.  Phytotherapy is especially important at this point.  You can benefit from phytotherapy to support your health and prevent diseases.  After the disease occurs, you can benefit from herbal extracts proven to be effective in that disease, of course, the treatment should be arranged by a physician trained in phytotherapy.

 Why should people turn to herbal remedies?  At what stage of the normal treatment is the herbal treatment method?

 People can always benefit from herbal treatments.  The main thing is to benefit from the power of correct nutrition and medicinal herbs without waiting to be sick, without getting sick.  If we consider the treatment centered on chemical drugs as a normal treatment, should we consider the treatment with herbal extracts, that is, phytotherapy, as an abnormal treatment?  Such a meaning comes from the question.  Both therapies are branches of medical science, and even this distinction is not entirely correct, considering that most chemical drugs are chemical mimics of herbal molecules.  It should not be forgotten that most chemical drugs come with serious side effects and should be given priority to nutrition and phytotherapy whenever possible.

 Preventing the disease before it occurs, that is, preventive medicine is an approach that is increasingly popular in all developed countries of the world.  Why is that?  Because it is much easier to prevent chronic diseases than to treat after the disease occurs.  What kind of benefits of proper nutrition and herbal supplements can we see after getting sick?  Nutrition must be regulated in all chronic diseases, from type 2 diabetes to cancer and thyroid diseases.  As I mentioned above, in type 2 diabetes, when we only regulate nutrition, the disease heals with full recovery.

 Take cancer, for example, the focus of research and studies on cancer treatment around the world is the effort to avoid chemotherapy.  Why is that?  Because the medical world is well aware of the problems and dilemmas related to chemotherapy.  Therefore, it is in search of alternative treatments.  One of these alternative treatments is immunotherapy, that is, a treatment based on supporting the immune system.  Applications that support the immune system are predominantly herbal treatments.  The use of herbs in cancer treatment is an accepted approach that has been applied all over the world for a long time, supported by scientific studies.  While phytotherapy science is despised in our country, did you know that John Hopkins, America's second largest cancer research center, is broccoli extract?


 Which patients are most looking for the solution in phytotherapy?  Are there any different or interesting cases you have experienced so far?

 I have patients who come to me with many different diseases.  Because they know well that I don't easily prescribe drugs with dangerous side effects.  Because there was a consciousness that nutrition is extremely important in every disease.  Look, I draw your attention, I say nutrition, not phytotherapy!  My expertise is on phytotherapy, but it should not be forgotten that the main thing is nutrition.  You may not be able to cure all chronic diseases with complete cure, but you can control the disease with nutrition and phytotherapy, you can keep the symptoms mild, and improve the patient's quality of life.  It is my greatest happiness and pride that many of my type 2 diabetes patients who applied to me recover with full recovery.  "You cannot get better, you have to use medicine for a lifetime," he drank every medicine given by his doctors for years, did everything he said, but his diseases gradually deepened.  These are the so-called patients… But with a correct diet and herbal supplements, the effect of which is scientifically proven in type 2 diabetes, the disease heals completely.  But it should be emphasized that it is necessary to emphasize this: What good is it if you go to a person who eats sweets, pastries, donuts, consumes lots of chips, pizza and pasta and give herbal extracts that have proven effects in diabetes treatment such as black seed and olive leaf extract?  As long as the patient continues to be malnourished, no herbal extract can cure him.  I've encountered a lot of interesting cases, but the three cases I'm going to tell you are a very good example of what can happen when medical science is performed incorrectly or incompletely.

 First, about 7-8 years ago, a female patient who had been treated for depression for 15 years applied to my clinic.  He had used almost all the drugs available on the market in turn.  Despite all these medications, his complaints did not go away.  He complained of being unhappy, unwilling and tired all the time.  His complaints and examination findings led me to a thyroid disorder.  The blood analysis we performed revealed that the patient had hypothyroidism.  For 15 years, the patient had been prescribed different antidepressants, but no one thought to look at the patient's thyroid hormones.  Symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, weakness and reluctance.  In a patient who presents with these symptoms, thyroid hormones should be checked first.  The patient, whose problems were attributed to depression, gained more weight due to antidepressants, none of his complaints improved, and he was worse than the beginning.

 Another interesting case was a young female patient who came to me with complaints of weakness that could not lift her arm.  In fact, when he was a professional athlete, he started to have pain that interrupted his whole life.  We had the tests done on suspicion that he might have Lyme and the result was positive.  However, there were no clinics left that he could not walk around because of his pain, and nobody thought of Lyme disease.  Lyme disease, transmitted from ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, is an extremely difficult disease to diagnose if it's not on your radar.  If you do not investigate this disease, it is not possible to find it.

Another case was a 12-year-old girl who came to my clinic.  About two years before the boy came to me, he was taken to a medical school by his family with complaints of exhaustion, fatigue and nausea.  The diagnosis was aplastic anemia.  This is a disease in which the bone marrow is suppressed and almost all blood cells are reset.  Chemotherapy and cortisone treatment is started immediately.  My little patient's condition is getting worse.  Do you know what is the real problem with the child on the brink of death?  Heavy metal poisoning.  Nobody even thought of looking at heavy metal poisoning.  Is it the source of poisoning?  Toast machine.  Since the surface of the mother toaster was scratched, she covered it with aluminum foil to take precautions.  In other words, a large amount of aluminum has accumulated in the little girl's body with the toasts she ate.  Under the burden of heavy metals, the body cannot produce marrow-suppressed blood cells.  Fortunately, my patient recovered completely shortly after starting chelation therapy that removes heavy metals from the body.


 Do drugs have a completely transmissive effect on diseases?  In addition, if it does not solve the whole disease, could it show that the deficiency of the pharmaceutical sector will be completed with herbs?

 In some diseases, you can take medication and be completely cured.  Almost all of these diseases are acute diseases.  For example, you went to the doctor with complaints such as severe fever, respiratory problems and weakness.  Tests were carried out and it was found that your disease is a bacterial infection.  The doctor prescribes antibiotics and you will recover if you rest and take your medication.  But of course, your doctor should make you aware that the beneficial bacteria in your intestines will disappear with a course of antibiotics, and you should increase the probiotic-rich foods in your diet, and even prescribe probiotic supplements in addition to antibiotics.  But in chronic diseases such as rheumatism and type 2 diabetes, medications cause the disease to deepen, let alone make the problem worse.  The common feature of a drug group used in rheumatism is immunosuppression.  If you go and suppress the immune system, you leave the body vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.  Then the patient dies not from rheumatism, but from pneumonia and cancer.  There is a problem with the whole system.  Medical education is based on prescribing drugs.  The side effects of the drugs are either hidden or touted as rare side effects.  The decisive role of nutrition on health is ignored, doctors are not taught how nutrition should be.  Rather than the lack of the pharmaceutical industry, the inaccuracy of the system should be discussed and it should be thought about how to fix this.  Because if a drug with fatal side effects is prescribed for a disease, it will not be useful even if you supplement this drug with herbal extracts and phytotherapy.

 We know the effects of nutrition and natural life on human health.  To what extent do these contribute to the recovery of sick individuals?

 First of all, I will change your term "natural life" to "natural nutrition" with your permission.  Because I know many people who leave the city and establish themselves in nature but continue to consume processed foods and malnutrition.  Natural nutrition, that is, consuming foods in the season and in accordance with their nature, not being afraid of butter, not missing healing foods such as cold-pressed olive oil from your table, eating the meat and eggs of free-range chicken gives your body the food it needs.  Especially if you ferment your yogurt, dry your pickles, keep your table away from food contaminated with additives and chemicals, and use herbal cures, you will already be resistant to diseases.  I always say that the body knows how to heal itself, to repair itself, as long as you give it the nutrients it needs.  As long as you do not poison it with toxic foods swallowed as food.  These are extremely important in preventing diseases and strengthening immunity.


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