Dietary Recommendations•• Spring Diet from the Experts Morning: Slice Whole Wheat Bread 4 Olives 3 Spoons of Honey Tomato Parsley Tea And Other Herbal Teas Unsweetened Or 3 Soup Spoons Muesli (In A Half-Fat Bowl Of Milk) That Sweet K Meal A Plate of Vegetable Dish Made With Olive Oil (Celery, Chard, Spinach, Leek Without Rice) Or Salad + Vegetable Soup Or Tarhana Soup Evening Boiled Or Grilled White Or Red Meat + Salad + Yogurt Can Be Changed At Noon And In The Evening. 2 Portions of Fruit A Day Can Be Eaten In Between (A Portion Is The Size Of An Orange) 3 liters of water should be drunk additionally Mixed Vegetable Meal on the Grilled 55 kcal / portion Oven for 2 people is brought to 200 degrees. Materials 1 carrot 1 eggplant 1 zucchini 1 tomato 2 tablespoons of olive oil 5-6 sprigs of fresh basil leaves 1 packet of seasoned vege...