SMOKİNG AND COVID 19 • •• Infectious Diseases Association President Prof. Dr. We talked with Ceyhan about those who were curious about the Covid-19 outbreak. Ceyhan, both in the course of the epidemic both in Turkey and told us what the future projections. China's Wuhan surrounding the city and the world revealed the epidemic Covidien-19 unfortunately, met last March in Turkey at the beginning. Our life order was suddenly shaped according to the epidemic. We started to take care to stay in homes unless it is compulsory. The notifications that we receive personally have been stated by all experts on the subject, including the Chief Health Ministry, for weeks ... This response is one of the names who tried tirelessly to inform the public as well as the health war in the field, Infectious Diseases Association President Prof. We talked about his situation. We got his predictions for the coming days ... As world physicians, what h...